Tag: server
Get system uptime
We all have our own ways of finding a servers / computers uptime.
But I thought I’d share my favorite way:
function Get-SrvUptime
$operatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
Restarting a service with Task Scheduler
Some times you need to scheduler a restart of services on servers or computers, and I used to do this via a batch job, that I called from Task Scheduler, but..
I found a much easier way of doing this, just create a new task, and add the Actions like bellow.
NET as the program, and START/STOP “SERVICENAME” as the argument
and voila, there it is 🙂
Add Azure CentOs server to Domain
April 23, 2018
Active Directory, Azure, Tips and Trix, Virtual Machine
No Comments
Joining a Linux machine to a Windows domain is not straight forward.
You will need to connect to the server via an SSH app (f.eks Putty)
enter the password for the adm account you created
If you get error: realm: Couldn’t join realm: Necessary packages are not installed: oddjob, oddjob-mkhomedir, sssd, samba-common-tools, you need to install the missing packages.
f.eks: yum install oddjob -y
And now the machine is in the domain
active directoryazurecentOscloudlinuxservertipstrix