I wanted to check what OS version I had deployed on a server in Azure, but I couldn’t remember if it was 2012 R2 or 2016.
I checked the server object in Azure and it gave me this

Hmmm…. that didn’t really answer my question (yes I could connect via RDP, but some times you can’t)
I know there are several scripts you can run to get information (that will need a connection, running scripts and so on, not everyone has this access, so they should be able to view this without scripts)
So I decided to check the disk connected to the server, and that gave me a better answer 🙂

There I can see it was a 2012 R2 DC based on the image 4.127….
So in the Resource group (or on VM) find the disk for the server, and you will see the Disk info in the Overview.
How can I see what OS version my Azure VM is running?
February 16, 2018
Azure, Powershell, Server, Tips and Trix, Virtual Machine, Windows
No Comments
I wanted to check what OS version I had deployed on a server in Azure, but I couldn’t remember if it was 2012 R2 or 2016.
I checked the server object in Azure and it gave me this

Hmmm…. that didn’t really answer my question (yes I could connect via RDP, but some times you can’t)
I know there are several scripts you can run to get information (that will need a connection, running scripts and so on, not everyone has this access, so they should be able to view this without scripts)
So I decided to check the disk connected to the server, and that gave me a better answer 🙂

There I can see it was a 2012 R2 DC based on the image 4.127….
So in the Resource group (or on VM) find the disk for the server, and you will see the Disk info in the Overview.