If you want to remove Azure Application Gateway Backend HTTP Settings / Probe configs / Backend Address Pools / HTTP Listeners or something else from the Azure Application Gateway, you might end up with the same Microsoft Doc’s as me.

As you see from the post it tells you what to do, but when you check the config in the Portal, it is not gone.
What is missing from the information feed here is that you get the Azure Application Gateway info, then you remove it, and get the code to define it, so the missing ingredient is:
Set-AzureRmApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $AppGw
That way you list out the current config, then get the new config, then SET the new config.
And now it is correct in the GUI too 🙂
application gatewayapplicationgatewayazuremicrosoftpowershell
Remove – AzureRmApplicationGateway
October 27, 2017
Azure, Powershell, Tips and Trix
No Comments
If you want to remove Azure Application Gateway Backend HTTP Settings / Probe configs / Backend Address Pools / HTTP Listeners or something else from the Azure Application Gateway, you might end up with the same Microsoft Doc’s as me.
As you see from the post it tells you what to do, but when you check the config in the Portal, it is not gone.
What is missing from the information feed here is that you get the Azure Application Gateway info, then you remove it, and get the code to define it, so the missing ingredient is:
Set-AzureRmApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $AppGw
That way you list out the current config, then get the new config, then SET the new config.
And now it is correct in the GUI too 🙂
application gatewayapplicationgatewayazuremicrosoftpowershell